NonClinical Careers for Physicians™ Podcast
NonClinical Careers for Physicians is the expertise of third_Evolution. We'll discuss the special issues of physician career transition, offer important do's and don'ts, critical tips for success and answer that most important question: What's Out There for physicians.
NonClinical Careers for Physicians™ Podcast
The Top Ten Ways to Blow Your Job Interview
July 03, 2020
Robert F. Priddy, President, third_Evolution™
Season 1
Episode 30
So, what can you do to blow your interview? Well, really, it’s a bottomless barrel of things you could say or do, but I’m going to focus on what I see as the top ten easiest mistakes you can make... that is, easy things to say or do. There are too many examples to list here, but believe me, it’s very easy to have one of those multiple personality episodes where you’re screaming at yourself… no, I didn’t just say that….. yes, you did.